Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Breast Cancer Blog

photo c/o

I'm starting a new blog in the hopes of helping, educating and inspiring other cancer survivors, fighters and their loved ones. I'm a proud daughter of a breast cancer fighter. My mom, Bengga Calaqui, was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer in 2008. She underwent lumpectomy, radiation and chemotherapy plus an adjuvant Avastin treatment. Unfortunately, this year, the cancer came back to her other breast and to different parts of her body. It is much harder the second time around, but life has to go on. We have to work harder and be more vigilant in killing the enemy. She is undergoing chemotherapy again, and we remain positive that she will win the war.

In this journal, I will share more about cancer, its prevention and treatment, and our personal experiences. This battle has definitely taught me a lot of things and I hope to share them all with you--from working our way in the hospital, clearing out misconceptions of the disease to getting in touch with the spiritual self.

So cheer up and be blessed! God is good, and if you feel like losing hope, DON'T! Let's all be well-informed and more vigilant, maintain a good relationship with your doctors but also remember that doctors don't know everything. Miracles do happen along the way :) :) :)

--Janis Ian

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