Monday, February 6, 2012

Chemistry is a Necessity!

 A good match with your oncologist is extremely important. Choosing the right doctor goes beyond his credentials. Because cancer care is lifelong, it is essential to be in the hands of someone you trust and get along with. And that would really depend on your personality and his. Some people may want a no-frills, straight-to-the-point kind of doctor. Others would rather have a nice, caring touch. Two doctors may mean the same thing but are dissimilar in how they say it. That spells a huge difference for a cancer patient. It's pretty much like getting into a relationship. You can't really stick your finger into it, you just know if he's the right one for you. In a word: CHEMISTRY!
Meet Dr. John Querol. He is my mom's oncologist, and he is heaven sent. He's handsome, funny, bubbly, genuinely caring and intelligent. A perfect match for my mom! :)

Where to find him: He has clinic at The Medical City Room 1412, MWTHS 10-12nn. He can also be found at VMMC and Marikina Valley Medical Center.

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