Friday, February 10, 2012

Ate in Arizona

My Mom and sister Eunice at Evan's mom's house in AZ
We just tearfully bid my sister goodbye, who is now on her way to Arizona to live there and be with her husband. It will be a long flight for her, she'll be landing in LA, and then take another flight to Tucson. We are vigorously rooting for babies, little Lytles, lol!
In addition to the Grand Canyon (which is absolutely breathtaking) and Sedona (another incredible scenic spot), another great thing about Arizona is the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center located in Phoenix/Scottsdale. Affiliated with the National Cancer Institute of the US, Mayo Clinic is a leader in cancer research and patient care. They offer an extensive range of clinical trials for different types of cancers. It really is as amazing as the Grand Canyon! To find out how you could participate in their clinical trials, visit their site
Oh, and another fave in Arizona? Why, the famous El Guero Canelo, of course! Try their Sonoran hotdogs and other authentic Mexican food. Yum, makes me crave for one right now! :)

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