Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pendant for Pain?

Just a few months ago, my mom was experiencing this unbearable pain on her arm. On a scale of 1-10, she would say it was a 10 or 11. She was literally screaming in pain, and while she was given pain killers and underwent physical therapy sessions, that didn't really help to stop the pain completely. It has brought me tears also because I felt I wasn't doing enough to help her. Fortunately, her dear friend Cynthia learned about my mom's condition, and gave her a quantum pendant from Malaysia to be worn everyday. Quantum pendants are said to have scalar energy that in turn boosts energy, reduces pain and protects from harmful radiation. My mom did wear it, and in just a couple of days, NO PAIN. We were shocked.
Now, I'm a natural skeptic, and I must admit, I did have some hesitation into writing this entry because people might think I'm a crazy scammer. But I've seen the effect of the quantum pendant on my mom, and it really does work! BUT I do have to say, be wary of fake pendants, which seem to be everywhere. I don't really know how to check the real one from a fake, but like in all online purchases, buy from a reliable source and do a lot of research. The price of a real quantum pendant would be about 150USD, but to see my mom completely relieved of her pain, priceless! :)

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