Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cancer-Related Fatigue

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Reading a short article about cancer-related fatigue on Medical News Today, and one important fact got my attention: "Tumor Size was a predictor for cancer fatigue." Suddenly, I got a lot of flashbacks in my head for those times when my mom complained about feeling extremely tired, and I shrugged it off as old age. The message is simple: PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BODY. Listen to what it may be telling you. Do not disregard fatigue, headache, pain, etc. These may be symptoms of a more serious disease. See a physician immediately. And a lot of times, we abuse our body. We make excuses not to see the doctor because we're so busy with wok, meetings, chores, etc. We're busy with other people but ourselves. It's a simple message, but it can save lives. 

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