Sunday, January 1, 2012

Does your Bra Size Matter?

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Just 5 years ago during a routine medical exam, the doctor who was examining my breasts told me I was lucky. Because I was well-endowed, chances are, she said, I was not going to have breast cancer. Another doctor also told the same thing to my mom years before. That's why the first time we discovered a lump in her left breast, I was extremely confident that it wasn't cancer, because we all have big breasts in the family. Well let me tell you now that that is a BIG MYTH. Big boobs, small boobs, it doesn't make a difference. Breast cancer, like other cancers, happens when the genetic material of normal cells gets damaged, and these cells mutate and form a tumor. Cancer has no connection with your bra size. So ladies, if you feel a lump in your breast, please have it checked right away. Don't postpone going to the doctor, just do it. Go with someone if you feel scared. You don't have to be alone. Thankfully, my mom did just that. She went to a breast surgeon the very next day, and even if the doctor gave us bad news, the good thing is that we were able to act on it right away.

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