Monday, January 2, 2012

Pain in the Breast?

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My mom felt pain in her breast the first time she discovered it was cancer in 2008, and she felt pain again in 2011 when the cancer recurred and we found lumps on her right breast (just below her collar bone) and backside. She described the pain as something similar to a huge pus that is about to burst. Ouch! That has got to hurt. And it's not something that should be ignored too. So it's not true that if there is pain, it's not cancer. One thing I have learned in my mom's cancer journey is that you really have to pay attention to your body. Be aware of signs like pain, tiredness etc. and do not delay going to the doctor. It could very well just be nothing, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. Here's a helpful link to learn more about breast pain:

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