Monday, January 30, 2012

Soul Food: Champorado

Image courtesy of
My mom got a craving for champorado during her recent chemotherapy sessions. Champorado is a chocolate rice pudding from Spanish influence, topped with condensed milk and usually paired with "tuyo" or dried, salty fish. What makes champorado perfect for chemo patients like my mom is that it's sweet, hearty and warm to the stomach. It soothes the throat and isn't as heavy as a meal of rice and viand. Try out this recipe and other Filipino dishes from Have a hearty day! :)

1 cup Sticky Rice
3 cups water (keep adding more if needed)
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (add more to taste)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Evaporated Milk (you may use HALF & HALF or you may use condensed milk)
Sugar to taste

Place a medium casserole over medium heat.
Add water and sticky rice.
Keep stirring until rice become translucent
depending on the brand of sticky rice, you may need to keep adding water until you achieve rice’s translucency.
Once rice is cooked, stir in cocoa, and vanilla.
Keep stirring until rice become brown in color.
Add sugar to taste.
Top with milk.

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