Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Strawberry Bliss in Benguet

My birthday cake!
Hello, I'm back from my birthday vacation in Baguio, summer capital of the Philippines! The weather was so perfect--cool but not rainy! Note to self: must go back same time next year. So many places to go to and so little time! I will definitely post more pictures soon! But for now, I'm bringing to you some strawberries from La Trinidad, Benguet, just a few minutes away from Baguio City. The La Trinidad strawberry farm is a popular tourist spot, where visitors can pick strawberries, buy a wide range of strawberry souvenirs, and eat a lot of native strawberry delicacies like strawberry "taho" (soy pudding) and strawberry-flavored "dirty ice cream" (local ice cream sold on the streets). Did you know that strawberries are also a well-known cancer-fighting food because they are high in antioxidants? Antioxidants remove free radicals that in turn prevent the growth of tumors. (Read more on Time Healthland: Can Eating Strawberries Prevent Cancer?) So eat up, because healthy can be yummy too! :)

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