Sunday, January 29, 2012

Random Story of Hope and Survival

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I was reading a nice bit on Yahoo News this morning (Read:New Lung Cancer Test Predicts Survival ) when I chanced upon one of the comments of someone who goes by the name 4me2knw:
"I wish they had this test when I got my lung cancer. I had Hairy Cell Leukemia and the doc's did a cat scan on my lymph nodes to see if they were involved, during the test they found the lung cancer. Stage zero! About as big as a marble. That was 8 years ago. My surgeon said "if you're still alive in 10 years give me a call and let me know." This comment is making me think I've got about 2 years left. If I had been able to do this test maybe I wouldn't be thinking this way? Not a comforting feeling thinking you've got 2 years at most. BTW, the leukemia never started to grow. Had my blood drawn every 3 to 4 months for 5 years and it never grew. I had thousands praying for me, worked in 10 prisons and everyone knew. So, had all of them backing me then got a blessing from the Mormon church and an American Indian healing done. I swear, something here worked! This is why the leukemia never grew and I was stage zero. I now believe in the power of prayer!"
No doctor can really predict how long you'll live. In this day and age, "life sentences" for cancer patients are really a thing of the past. Not only are there new medicines and treatments, but also everyday miracles. Happy Monday everyone! :)

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