Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Scarring of Breast Implants

Image courtesy of http://natural-breast-enlargement.org.uk
Take a look at this interesting article from Huffington Post: Women Affected by PIP Breast Implant Scandal 'Psychologically Scarred'. I feel for these women, who have become stressed, fearful and depressed because their breast implants could be faulty. Now, I'm an employee of Johnson and Johnson, that's also in the business of breast implants. But after what's happened to my mom and our family, I strongly advise all women to GO NATURAL. Don't put alien things inside your body that could potentially risk your health. Even a company as "sturdy" and heavy on R&D as J&J makes mistakes and has a lot of product recalls every year. It's just not worth it. And what's more depressing about the whole situation is that women go under the knife for not-so-good reasons: career, aesthetics and self-esteem. It's sad that our perception of beauty is being dictated by media and marketing campaigns.On a more positive note, because of the breast implant scandal, British surgeons are now calling to ban adverts for cosmetic surgery. Wouldn't that be a great development? :)

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